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Search For Open Suggestions#270

Searching for open suggestions should be easier. Currently, the search feature searches all suggestions, including merged, which makes it extremely difficult to find the suggestions we have attemped to merge everything into. I say “attempted” as it gets confusing which ones we have merged, and which ones we haven’t.

Perhaps for some, having merged suggestions is useful, so maybe there could be an indicator which tells us what the status of a suggestion is while searching.

4 years ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation of your use case, Quinn. As you correctly pointed out, currently, both open and closed (archived, completed, merged) suggestions are listed in the search results. Displaying the status could help here. What we also could do is to give open posts a higher ranking.

Another option that we’re looking at is to introduce search operators – special commands that extend the capabilities of regular text searches. Examples: “slack integration is:open”, “discord is:merged”

4 years ago

Thank you for your response Daniel.

Search operators would be another fantastic alternative here, which allows room for expansion in the future in other areas e.g. from:user. Regardless of the option chosen to achieve this, I can’t wait for the functionality to be released. :)

4 years ago

Agreed, it would be a lot easier if open suggestions could go to the top of the search results. I find myself pogo-sticking in and out of the search results page to find the open item I’m looking for.

3 years ago

Updates ✨

  • Open posts are now at the top
  • Post statuses have been added to the search results

I would love to hear your feedback if displaying only open posts is still needed and why. Thanks!

3 years ago

This looks great! Will try it out over the next week and let you know more.

3 years ago