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Add filter to topbar for certain keywords#218

Add posibility to have a drop down in the menu bar for quick selection certain keywords for cutomers.
Not sure if all users will understand the path through Filter / +Filter etc.
In my case I would love to have a dropdown (quick filter) for backend ideas, android ideas and iOS ideas.

4 years ago

Thanks for your input, Michael! Our goal is to have an uncomplicated and uncluttered design that can successfully deliver the right information to audiences of various experience levels. The design should be uniform across all screens and devices. With that in mind, we think that the filter feature doesn’t need to play such a central role for your end-users. On the other hand, it’s easy to access by clicking on any tag within the overview or by opening the list menu. The later is quite prominent due to its “stickiness” at the bottom.

4 years ago

Keeping it uncluttered is great and thats why I love
But it would be just one more menu element ;)

4 years ago
Merged Add main filter tags editable by admins#230
4 years ago